Tuesday 9 September 2008

Rage Against The Machine Concert Sparks 102 Arrests

102 citizenry were arrested following a Rage Against The Machine concert in Minneapolis last night (September 3rd), constabulary have said.

The arrests came after a prominent portion of the crowd marched to the site of the Republican Nation Convention in nearby St Paul.

Minnesota Public Radio reports that police lost control of the protesters later they took too long to leave alone the concert.

Dan Kriske, world Health Organization had tended to the case, said he was originally placed under arrest simply allowed to go by officials. He added that he saw police habit pepper spray in an effort to control the crowds.

Rage Against The Machine also triggered protests in Minnesota on Tuesday (September 2nd) when authorities prevented them from playing an impromptu concert.

The band attempted to perform for fans on the State Capitol lawn in St Paul but were told they didn't hold a proper permit.

Last week, the grouping held a similar event at the Democratic National Convention, which saw Barack Obama accept his nomination as the party's nominee for Presidency.

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