Sunday 25 May 2008

Singer Gareth Gates to marry dancer

Pop singer Gareth Gates has announced that he is planning to marry his long-term girlfriend Suzanne Mole.
The former 'Pop Idol' star proposed to dancer Mole, his partner of five years, on New Year's Eve.
Gates made the announcement on his website, saying: "I have some really exciting news I want to share with you... After a great Christmas I proposed to Suzanne on New Year's Eve, and she said yes."
"We are both extremely happy and look forward to planning our wedding and life together."
Gates is reported to be one of the contestants on the new series of 'Dancing on Ice'.

Wednesday 21 May 2008

Mother alleging Spears was drugged

Mother alleging Spears was drugged

Britney Spears' mother has alleged that the 26-year-old singer was "drugged" by her self-styled director, Surface-to-air missile Lufti, in order to take control of her life, base and money.
Reuters reports that Lynne Spears' allegations were contained in a sworn declaration submitted to the court in order to receive a temporary worker restraining order against Lufti.
The restraining ordering against Lufti forbids him from contacting Spears in any way.
In the declaration, Lynne Spears alleged: "Mr Lutfi drugged Britney. He has cut Britney's home phone railway line and removed her cellphone chargers. He yells at her. He claims to ascendence everything - Britney's byplay coach, her attorneys and security measure guards at the gate."
Lynne Spears describes arriving at her daughter's home on 28 January and finding her in a confused nation.
She said: "Britney... became very agitated and could not diaphragm moving. She cleaned the theatre. She changed her clothes many times. She besides changed her dogs' wearing apparel many times. Britney spoke to me in a tone and with the stratum of understanding of a very offspring daughter."
The singer's mother claims that Lufti told her and a ally that he gave the 26-year-old tablets ground up in her food to keep her tranquility and told the troubled entertainer that she had to take "10 pills a day" if she wanted to see her deuce young sons.
Britney Spears' church Father Jamie and lawyer Saint Andrew Wallete have been granted temporary worker ascendance of the star's assets, pending further legal proceedings.
A try has ruled that Spears must be examined by a court-appointed psychiatrist to square up if she understands the legal minutes.

Tuesday 20 May 2008

Lost will be longer in 2009 and 2010

Lost will be longer in 2009 and 2010

It has been announced that the 2009 and 2010 series of 'Lost' will be longer than was antecedently planned.
The Hollywood Newsman says that from each one series will be 17 hours, non 16 as has been planned.
The extra hours are to repair for the recent epoch writers' take which reduced the flow season's running time.
Commenting, 'Lost' co-creator Damon Lindelof said: "We were supposed to do 16-16-16. But we ended up doing 14 this season, so we owe deuce."
The deal daily says that Lindelof has promised an "action-driven cliffhanger" for this season's finis.
He said: "The closing curtain this year volition not be as tricky as death year. Hopefully, this yr it's a little bit more of a straightforward action-adventure story. Only the closing of the episode will hopefully pursue and intrigue people looking ahead to the next season of the show."
Read our 'Lost' blog hither.
See the 'Lost' site here.