Tuesday 20 May 2008

Lost will be longer in 2009 and 2010

Lost will be longer in 2009 and 2010

It has been announced that the 2009 and 2010 series of 'Lost' will be longer than was antecedently planned.
The Hollywood Newsman says that from each one series will be 17 hours, non 16 as has been planned.
The extra hours are to repair for the recent epoch writers' take which reduced the flow season's running time.
Commenting, 'Lost' co-creator Damon Lindelof said: "We were supposed to do 16-16-16. But we ended up doing 14 this season, so we owe deuce."
The deal daily says that Lindelof has promised an "action-driven cliffhanger" for this season's finis.
He said: "The closing curtain this year volition not be as tricky as death year. Hopefully, this yr it's a little bit more of a straightforward action-adventure story. Only the closing of the episode will hopefully pursue and intrigue people looking ahead to the next season of the show."
Read our 'Lost' blog hither.
See the 'Lost' site here.